Course Category: Workshop Sessions

Food & Mood

This month we’re talking about food and mood, looking at how food affects our emotions on a biological level. We’re getting our scientific heads on (but not too much, it’s not a scary school science lesson I promise!)

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This month we’re talking about willpower – what it is, why you don’t feel like you have much of it, why is fades, and what willpower means in intuitive eating.

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Building Confidence

What is holding you back? What is stopping you from living your fullest life? Let’s tackle that, so that you can live a BETTER life, doing all those things you know that you’d really love to do.

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Intuitive Meal Planning

Tips, ideas and support to be able to plan ahead, plan and prep, in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re dieting again.

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Sweets & Treats

With Easter just around the corner we’re talking about how to navigate all the sweets & treats that are going to be around

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Progress & Success

When you’re on a diet there’s always something to measure. Weight, body measurements, clothes sizes, points and syns, calories, macros, steps. When you start IE you don’t do any of that, and it can feel uneasy. So how do you measure progress and success when you don’t have any of those things to measure any more?

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Ego States

Depending on your ego state at any time, your thoughts and behaviours around food may change. In this month’s workshop and workbook we’re going to dig deeper into what an ego state is in relation to food, and how we can understand and begin to change them.

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Body Acceptance

If you’re trying to improve your relationship with food it’s really important that you can make peace with your body. The two go hand in hand.

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Enjoying Christmas

Christmas can be especially stressful if you have struggles around food and body image, and so in this workshop we’re looking at how to enjoy Christmas in a more intuitive and body positive way.

Consider it your very own intuitive eating and body positivity advent calendar! A new piece of motivation, inspiration and guidance for each day of the month.

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Making Peace With Food

In this workshop, we’re exploring what it means to make peace with food, talking about what it can look like when you don’t have that positive relationship with food, and the steps you can take to remove that stress.

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