Until now, you have needed to print your workbooks if you wanted to fill them in. That’s a lot of paper and a lot of ink, I know.
Now though you can now complete each workbook as a fillable PDF! That’s right, no more printing and no more writing by hand!
Fillable PDFs are digital forms that you can easily fill out on your computer or mobile device. Just click in the box where you would usually write, and you’ll see that you can type straight into it.
Not only is this more convenient for you, but it also means you can more easily save it and come back to it another time. Maybe you could go back and take a look at some older ones over time, and see how much progress you’ve made in your habits and your thoughts. And isn’t that better than trying to store a pile of paper workbooks?
You can obviously still print a copy if you’d like to. You might see the fields you can fill in when you view it on the screen, but they shouldn’t print, so the workbook will still look lovely on paper. I know that some of you do find the writing and quiet time to do that very therapeutic, and that’s perfect. Whatever works for you.
So what are you waiting for? Try out the new fillable PDF workbooks and let me know what you think!
As always, any questions or feedback, just drop me a line.
Terri x